Whistler Olympics Savings Tips

Whistler Olympics Savings - Stay & Ski at Whistler Blackcomb for Less

If big vertical, empty runs, fresh tracks and no lift lines are YOUR chance of a lifetime, then ski Whistler during the 2010 Games.

While the rest of the world bunches up at the finish lines, you'll be cutting fresh lines down to empty lift lines at 7th Heaven, Symphony, Harmony and the Peak Chair.

You'll have 90% of the mountains to yourself.

Why settle for Whistler in 2D on your flat screen?

Experience the REAL thrill - ride it for real, in person.

Sound tempting? Make it happen on a budget. Here's how:


Skip Agent Costs & Fees: Book your Whistler 2010 Vacation Rentals

Book this Whistler 2010 Olympics rental for $399 per night!

Directly with Owners

First, book your Whistler Olympics 2010 rentals directly with property owners.

You'll get more property, perks, and location for your money by skipping middle agent fees, taxes and commission bloat.

Save money by eating in and buying your groceries, supplies and bevvies in Vancouver.

2010 Whistler rentals start from $300 CAD per night.

View Whistler Olympics 2010 Rentals


Ride the Exchange Rates - Book when they Work in your Favor

Save a bundle when your currency is beating on the Canadian dollar.

You'll save a lot of money with very little effort.

View Whistler 2010 Olympics Rentals


Stay Longer & Pay Less for your Whistler 2010 Rental

Why stay for a day when you save by staying a week?

Stay for a week and you'll pay less per night.

The longer you stay, the less you pay per night.

View Whistler Olympics Rentals 


Contact the Vacation Rental Owner Directly: Good Renters get Better Olympics Deals

See something you love, but the minimum night stay and/or price is too big?

Vacation rental homeowners value peace of mind.

They'll be more flexible on published rates and minimum stays if they're more confident that their property will be well cared for.

If you're a good renter, they'll be more likely to make a deal.

The first step to earning their trust is calling them by phone and talking to them. They may be willing to consider your offer if you're looking for some flexibility.

If you've rented from another Owner on the site and had no problems, let them know. It will go a long way.

It's also worth offering to pay a damage deposit.

View Whistler 2010 Olympics Rentals


Share the Cost: Invite your Friends & Family

Share your Whistler 2010 Rental with Loved Ones > Click to View all Whistler 2010 Rentals

Whistler vacation rental prices are per night for up to the rental's maximum occupancy.

Consider spreading the cost among more people by inviting friends and family.

Sometimes booking a bigger place with more people costs less than a smaller rental.

Do the math and explore your options.

View Whistler 2010 Accommodation Rentals


Whistler 2010 rental from $300 CAD per night. Click to view all 2010 Whistler rentals.

Don't Give Up: You'll Find Something within your Budget

Keep looking right up to a few weeks before the Games.

Prices on unbooked dates will equilibrate daily, so it's worth your while to keep checking.

Distressed lodging is your ticket to a BIG ride on Whistler Blackcomb.

View all Whistler Olympics Accommodation


Save on Lift Tickets

Pre-booked 2009/2010 lift tickets cost the same or even LESS than what they cost for the 2008/09 season.

Book your Whistler 2010 vacation rentals  and then your cheap 2010 lift tickets at least 4 days in advance.