Twin Cities Ski ClubsTwin Cities Ski Club

Thinking of joining a Twin Cities Ski Club? Too many options to choose from? We've broken it down so that you can find the ski club that's right for you!

Many people think there's only one Twin Cities Ski Club, but there are actually 6 alternatives serving women, singles, adults only, or families.

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North Stars Ski Club

Known as the largest touring ski club in the Twin Cities area, the North Stars Ski Club is proud of its community focus. Geared towards families, singles and older adults this club takes community to another level by having trail cleaning and upkeep events. Affordable ski lessons for skiers of all ages - newbies learn to ski free!

Activities:North Stars Ski Club

  • Skiing (specifically cross country skiing)
  • Domestic and International Ski Trips
  • Biking
  • Canoeing
  • Picnics
  • Sailing Excursions
  • Dances
  • Kayaking




Contact Info:

The North Stars Ski Club meets at 6pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month during the ski season at the University Church of Hope 601 13th Avenue S.E. Come a bit early to mix and mingle.

Already decided? Join now!


North Star Ski Touring Club
P.O. Box 4275, St. Paul, MN 55104 

Sitzmark Ski & Social Club

Sitzmark is the "premier Sport and Social Club in the Twin Cities."  While they love to ski, the club is active year round. The club caters to singles and couples and offers many opportunities to meet and make new friendships. The age range in the Sitzmark Ski Club ranges from 25 - 65, with the majority below 50.

They describe themselves as an "adventuresome bunch" and have been know to organize trips to Canada, Colorado, Upper Michigan and Northern Minnesota. As with many ski clubs in the Tri Cities Ski Club area, the group is also active in the summer months--travelling to the California Wine Country, New York City, Key West and Hilton Head, as well as international destinations in Europe, Japan and South America.

Benefits of the Sitzmark Ski and Social Club:Sitzmark Ski & Social Club

  • Always having something to do and someone to do it with
  • Meeting fun, adventuresome and exiting people
  • Group discounts on lift tickets at local ski areas and everywhere they ski/board/cross country ski 
  • Group discounts on airfare and lodging
  • Group discounts on theater, sporting and other cultural events
  • The monthly publication "The Sitzmarker"
  • Weekly email updates
  • Summertime activities of biking, camping, canoeing, tennis and golf 
  • A variety of activities offered all year round
  • A quarterly publication from the Midwest Sports/Ski Council


Contact Information

Sitzmark Ski & Social Club

PO Box 65653 St Paul , MN 55165

E-Mail: [email protected]


Ullr Ski, Bike, and Social Club

Ullr started way back in the 50's as a downhill specific ski club. However, today the club members participate in everything from downhill to cross-country and beyond--beyond the mountain that is!  Members of Ullr participate in various social activities beyond skiing.

Various Club Activities:

  • social events
  • golf outings
  • day and weekend bike trips
  • hiking
  • bicycling
  • snowshoeing
  • and many activities just for the singles


Contact Ullr Ski Club

Meeting Location:

Normally on Thursdays
Marian Knights of Columbus Hall
1114 American Boulevard (old W 79th St), Bloomington, MN


Email:  [email protected]

Twin Cities Snow Ventures

Which Twin Cities ski club has that youthful edge?  It has to be the Twin Cities Snow Ventures.  Right from the homepage on their website you get the impression this club is ready to ride.

Who They Are

They describe themselves as a "non-profit co-ed Snowboarding and Skiing group that’s fun and affordable." They are a community organized program linked with the Boy Scouts of America and sponsored by local sports stores.

If your looking to join this youth club then your membership fees will go a long way.  The membership includes one year of accident and liability insurance, and all the transportation costs for local trips. You also get discounts on lift tickets to local ski hills.

Contact the Twin Cities Snow Ventures:



WAMXC Ski Club

Um... Huh?

What's this ski club all about? Its simple, the answer's in the name! Dont get it yet? It's the "Women and Men Who Cross-Country Ski... and drink coffee..." Ski Club! Get it?

Im still confused... Explain!

The WAMXC was conceived in the year 2000 when, in Michigan, the snow disappeared earlier than was desired. The local inhabitants were left with a longing for more. When they realized that an extra long stretch of snowless weather had approached, they decided to make use of the circumstance to prepare for the next winter season. The WAMXC was created with the idea that activities like hiking, biking, and rollerblading, are excellent ways of training for cross-country skiiing.

But what about the coffee?

Naturally, with all the high energy activities this club participates in, there is a call for coffee!  Check out their website for detailed information about all of the activities they organize, as well as a comprehensive list of all the coffee shops they know and love.

Where are they?


Contact them:




Already a Tri Cities Ski Club Member?

Drop us a line if you are a Tri Cities Ski Club Member. If you have any additional tips or useful Tri Cities Ski Club information to add to this page, please email us!

Looking for more ski clubs? Check out a complete listing of Ski Clubs to find one near you.

Thanks for reading about the Tri Cities Ski Clubs