The Following is an example of a Cleaner's Checklist

Please feel free to print a copy of this to provide to your cleaners. We suggest that you go over it with them at least once in person so they are clear on what is expected of them. Also, you should change/add things within the checklist to suit your particular property.

Finding Guest Belongings

  • All Guest belongings that are left behind must be stored in the Owner lock-up.

Finding Games and Puzzle Pieces

  • If you know which games or puzzles they belong to, put them back in the box.
  • If you don't know where game or puzzle pieces belong, put them in a large plastic zip lock back in the lock-up and we will put them back where they belong the next time we are in the property. Do not throw them out!

Blinds, Windows and Thermostats

  • Set thermostats to 15 degrees
  • Keep all blinds open during the winter and closed during the off-season and summer.
  • Close and lock all windows


  • Make all bedroom and pull-out beds
  • Please put 2 complete sets of bath linens inside the cabinets in the loft


Kitchen Cleaning & Maintenance

  • Clean sinks, stove, oven and counter tops
  • Clean all appliances on counter
  • Clean fridge
  • Remove all perishables from fridge and clean shelves and drawers
  • Keep all non-perishable food in fridge and cupboards
  • Clean freezer and remove any frozen spills
  • Remove ice and clean out ice tray from freezer. Turn off ice maker
  • Empty dishwasher
  • Re-set clocks on stove and microwave if necessary
  • Put new liners in the bottom of the oven and in burners.
  • Check drawers and remove all crumbs etc.
  • Check cupboards and remove all crumbs, etc
  • Check cutlery, dishes, glasses, cooking supplies and pots, and clean all items that were put away dirty.
  • Check coffee maker and empty out grinds; rinse out pot
  • Empty crumbs out of toaster oven
  • Remove garbage and replace with new bag. Ensure that there is a roll of garbage bags (at least 8-10 new bags) in the garbage can itself, under the new bag insert.
  • Wipe down garbage can
  • Clean area under the kitchen sink
  • Dust shelves
  • Sweep/vacuum floors
  • Wash floors

Kitchen Supply Check

Check the following kitchen supplies and replenish if necessary in drawers and under sink:

  • Dish soap
  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Garbage Bags under the sink-make sure that there are 2 extra rolls of kitchen catchers and 1 box of large green bags. Place a 3rd full roll of kitchen catchers inside the bottom of the garbage can under the sink.
  • Window Cleaner + cleaning solution
  • Foil, saran wrap, medium and large Zip Lock baggies
  • Paper towel in paper towel holder, 2 Extra rolls under the sink
  • Basic food staples-jam, peanut butter, flour, sugar, coffee, tea, salt, pepper, pasta, rice, ketchup, mustard, relish, mayonnaise
  • Put out 3 clean tea towels
  • Put on 2 clean J-Clothes and dispose of the old ones.
  • Put out a fresh SOS pad and throw out old one if used-even once.
  • Ensure that there are pens and papers by the phone. If not-replenish supplies.

Kitchen Dishes, Glasses, Cutlery & Utensil Check

  • Glasses: There should be N glasses. If any are missing, replace from owner lock-up supplies
  • Dishes: There should be N sets of dishes. If any are missing, replace from owner lock-up supplies
  • Cutlery: There should be N sets of cutlery. If any are missing, replace from owner-lock-up supplies.
  • Paper and pens by the phone-refill paper using stash in drawer underneath the phone
  • Non-Stick Pans: If any are damaged replace using extras in the lock-up
  • Baking pans: If any pans are seriously damaged, replace with extras in the lock-up.
  • Oven Mitts & Pot Holders: If any are seriously damaged or disgusting, replace with extras in the lock-up

Kitchen Light Bulb Check

  • Check that the light bulb in the fridge is working. If not, replace
  • Check that light bulb over stove is working. if not, replace
  • Check microwave light bulb. Replace if necessary
  • Back splash bulbs:replace is any are burned out
  • Ceiling lights:replace if any are burned out.
  • Inaccessible bulbs: call maintenance (see contact info below)
  • Insufficient light bulb supply: please contact maintenance with light bulb type and where it is.



  • Clean sinks, tubs, counters, toilets, and mirrors
  • Check shower curtain and liner-if mold is starting to form, put in washing machine and replace with back-up in lock-up.
  • Sweep floor
  • Clean floor - pay close attention to floor area around the toilet
  • Using the plunger, plunge the toilet to clear any lines that may be in the process of getting clogged.
  • Dust shelves,
  • Empty garbage and clean garbage can if necessary
  • Check light bulbs and replace if out

Bath Linens

Put out enough fresh linens for 12 occupants as follows:

(Note to Owners: Customize this to your own property)

  • Powder room-hand towel
  • Loft Bathroom-2 sets
  • Master Bathroom-2 sets
  • Lower Bathroom-8 sets


Replenish the following supplies in necessary:

  • Top up hand soap-in locker
  • Top up moisturizers on counters
  • Put fresh bar of soap in showers
  • Top up shampoo and conditioner
  • Top up toilet paper under the vanity and on rolls
  • Replace Kleenex if empty and top up supply under the vanity
  • Replace feminine hygiene products



  • Change beds
  • Using miracle brush or lint rollers, remove any linen and dust from bed covers
  • If bedspreads are stained, remove them and replace with back-up in the lock-up.
  • Dust furniture
  • Vacuum carpets
  • Check under beds, behind dressers and night tables for any garbage, guest belongings or games/puzzle pieces and remove if necessary
  • Check drawers and remove any garbage or belongings
  • Re-set clocks if necessary
  • Check light bulbs. If any burnt out, then replace
  • Remove garbage
  • Put laundry bags/baskets back in the closets
  • Set thermostats to 15 degrees
  • Close and lock windows

Guest Detailing

  • Put out clean bathrobes in the following sleeping areas. Fold and place them on the beds:
    • Master #1-2
    • Master #2-2
    • King bedroom-2
    • Queen bedroom #1-2
    • Bunk room-4
  • Put out 2 water bottles/king –queen bed and a single water bottle per single bed. Lay by pillows with bathrobes

Living Room/Dining Room

  • Check under couches for garbage, games/puzzle pieces and remove or store in owner locker
  • Vacuum couches-including checking under cushions
  • Sweep/vacuum floor
  • Dust furniture
  • Re-organize couch cushions if necessary
  • Replace large candles if burned out
  • Organize CD’s
  • Ensure that stereo converter is present-put on stereo
  • Put books back on shelf
  • Check inaccessible light bulbs-if any are burned out –report to maintenance
  • Replace bulbs in accessible lamps and ensure that a complete back –up set is in the small hall closet
  • Close and lock windows
  • Adjust fireplace thermostat to 15

TV Room & Games Room

  • Reorganize DVDs by number. Report any that are missing.
  • Dust furniture
  • Put away games, etc
  • Reorganize couch cushions
  • Vacuum floors and couches
  • Check under all furniture for garbage, games pieces and guest belongings and remove/put in lock-up
  • Check light bulbs and replace burned out ones
  • Ensure that DVD/TV converters are present and place on DVD players
  • Ensure that Stereo converters are present-place by stereos
  • Set thermostats to 15
  • Close and lock all windows

Hot Tub Area/Deck

  • Cover BBQ
  • Fold chairs and tables and put in garage
  • Remove cigarette butts and clean up
  • Inspect hot tub water. If it looks suspicious, then call hot tub maintenance (see Contacts)
  • Close and lock door

Laundry Area

  • Ensure a large supply of laundry detergent, paper towels, light bulbs, cleaning supplies. Replace from lock-up if necessary.
  • Remove lint from dryer
  • Empty lint bucket on shelf over dryer
  • Clean up any detergent drips, dust, etc.
  • Put ironing board and iron back into laundry area if located in another room.

Front Hallway

  • Sweep/vacuum floor
  • Turn down thermostat to 15
  • Put garage door opener on key rack
  • Hang 2 knapsacks in front hallways
  • Top up self addressed-stamped envelope supply from lock-up
  • Lock front door


  • Ensure that there is a good supply of garbage bags by garbage bag area
  • Remove garbage and bring to Garbage Centre
  • Reattach new garbage bags to bins
  • Lower thermostat to 15

Spots on the Walls/Cobwebs

  • Remove spots on walls
  • Remove cobwebs

Windows & Glass

  • Clean all accessible window spots & glass

Guest Welcome Basket (Suggestions)

Ensure that it has the guest book and 1 cellophane bag that contains:

  • 1 bottle of wine
  • 1 bag of nuts
  • 1 box of chocolates
  • 1 package of toffee
  • 1 complimentary phone card
  • 1 guest greeting card


  • Wash on cold only
  • Separate whites from darks and wash separately
  • Do not use bleach
  • Bathrobes—add extra detergent and rub into collars
  • Approximate loads: towels-2; bathrobes-2; linens-2; place mats and napkins-1

Inventory Quick Check

Quickly assess the following after each departure:

  • Garage door opener
  • Electronics
  • DVDs
  • Sign in living room
  • Stereo converters (2)
  • Keys
  • DVD converters (2)
  • Count linens after every departure and ensure 12 complete sets+3 bathmats+1 hand towel+8 bathrobes

Notify Me ASAP if:

  • Missing electronics, including converters
  • Broken electronics
  • Missing items
  • Supplies and/or envelopes need to be restocked within 21 days of consecutive bookings
  • Missing linens
  • Structural damage
  • Missing baby gear
  • Smoking occurred in the property.
  • Missing guest information guide
  • Need more envelopes
  • Need more keys in front entrance
  • Missing guest book
  • Missing knapsack
  • Any signs of water damage or insect infestation
  • Any signs that an appliance is not working
  • Toilets and drains appear slow and clogged.
  • Any plumbing problems
  • Any suspicious hot tub observations

Maintenance or Hot Tub Problems

  • If we do not respond back to your pager or cell phone within 2 hours of reporting maintenance or hot tub problems, please contact our maintenance or hot tub support people directly to report the problem and authorize on-site maintenance.
  • You will not be held liable or responsible for any bills as result of your call.

Contact Information


  • List all of your personal and work cell phone and pager numbers

Maintenance Service

  • List all of their pager and cell phone numbers

Hot Tub Service

  • List all of their pager and cell phone numbers