Search Tips

Sift easily through our 900+ lodging options. Tabbed Search is the fastest, largest and most flexible by Owner search engine. It delivers accurate results on the world's only instantly confirmed by Owner booking and verified vacation rental site. Learn how to use Tabbed Search now and find the best by Owner accommodation deals you won't find elsewhere.  

Introducing Tabbed Search.

What Is It?

Search for your next vacation rental in the way that you prefer. Learn how you can fine-tune your search and get specific results, or loosen up your criteria to view a longer list of properties. This powerful search tool can do it all.

Tabs represent different search categories: dates, size, location, budget, amenities

Drop-down Boxes are options that you can select within each tab

Select as many options as you want to search for, or leave as "any" 

Chosen Search Criteria will appear at the bottom of the search bar 

clear all (x) to delete all of your selected options in a category 

Mouse over a search item (x) to delete it 

Add or Edit Options click the category tab or the category link and re-select from the drop-down boxes 

Search Now click the button and view the results

Ways to Search

View Everything
Want to see everything we've got? Leave all options in all tabs untouched as "any" and click the Search Now button. The results will display all of our currently active listings. Results are ordered by lowest to highest rate, based on each Owner's entire published rates period. The results at the top don't guarantee the lowest rates for your dates. Do a Date Search if you want to find the best deals.

Single Tab Search
Search for lodging options within a single category: dates, size, location, budget or amenities. Click the category tab for which you'd like to search, select your preferences via the drop-down box options and click the Search Now button. The results will display all properties that meet your criteria for that single category. Search results are ordered by lowest to highest rate.

Multi-Tab Search
Search for lodging options within two or more categories: dates, size, location, budget and amenities. Click on a category tab for which you'd like to search and select your preferences via the drop-down box options. Repeat with other tabs until you're ready to search. Click the Search Now button. The results will display all properties that meet your criteria for multiple categories. Search results are ordered by lowest to highest rate.

Date Search
Choose this search method if you have exact dates or you have flexible dates and you want to find the best deals within a certain period of time. Scroll down to the Date Search section below to learn more.

Send Inquiry Fast
Send an inquiry to multiple owners in three easy steps. Results must be limited to 100 properties or less.
1-Create a search by selecting options within the tabs.
2-Select the Send Inquiry Fast tab and and click the Search Now button.
3-Fill in your contact info and click Send Inquiries to send your request.

Find My Owner
Choose this search method if you know the property ID number or the owner's first name, last name or email address.

Omnipresent Search Criteria

What Is It?
As soon as you select a search option from a drop-down box, it will appear at the bottom of the search bar beside its category name. All chosen seach criteria are grouped by category. You can view, edit or delete your search options from this section.

How Do I Use It?

Edit: Click on the category name link, which will take you to the tab where you can re-select your drop-down box options for that category.

Delete: Mouse over the search item you want to delete and click on the x symbol that appears

Clear All: To delete all of your chosen search criteria within one category, click on clear all (x) beside it

Date Search

This search option can be found in the Find Vacation Rentals tab.

Why Use It?
Find the best deals for your specific dates or for your minimum night stay within an earliest arrival and latest departure date range. You can perform an exact date search or a flexible date search. And you won't waste time falling in love with a property that was actually unavailable to begin with!

Exact Date Search
Select the number of nights you wish to stay and your arrival date. Optional: select more options in this tab or in multiple tabs. Click the Search Now button. Results are ordered by lowest to highest rate, based on your minimum night stay and exact dates. Find the best deals for your dates at the top of search results.

Flexible Date Search
Click on 'Flexible Dates or Deal Hunting?' to reveal a drop-down box for Latest Departure date. Select the minimum number of nights you wish to stay. Then choose your earliest arrival date and latest departure date. Optional: select more options in this tab or in multiple tabs. Click the Search Now button. Results are ordered by lowest to highest rate, based on your minimum night stay and date range. Since your date range may cover multiple rates with overlapping rates seasons, the results may display a range of rates per property. Find the lowest starting rates at the top of search results. You might discover more availability and deals just from changing your arrival or departure date by one day!

Get Better Results

Amend your search if it's generating too many, too few or no results.

Too Many Results

Refine your search further. Select more options within a single tab or multiple tabs.

Too Few or No Results

Here are tips to troubleshoot potential problems that may be happening and the solutions.

Your Minimum Night Stay Is Too Short
More properties might be available for your dates - but those owners require longer minimum night stays during peak periods or holidays like Christmas and New Years.

Extend your minimum night stay by one or two nights and see if that makes a difference in search results.

You've Chosen Too Many Options or Search Criteria
You've refined your search to the point that you're choking it with a long list of restrictions. The more criteria you select, the more you refine your search - and the more you restrict its results. Demanding the results to meet ALL of your criteria may be choking your search to death. Loosen your grip. Let go of some options that aren't a priority, and you'll probably find more results.

Is there an amenity you could do without? Does that hot tub really need to be private or are you fine with a common one? Maybe you don't mind paying for parking overnight if everything else about the property is perfect for you. Would you mind a short walk to the lifts instead of ski in/ski out? These are just some examples to get you thinking. Figure out your priorities and de-select or delete a few of your previously selected options - you can start one-by-one and see if it makes a difference in search results.